2012 Schedule

Director: Klaus Erik Okstad Length: 60 minutes

Director: Klaus Erik Okstad

Length: 60 minutes


This grand prize winner is remarkable for its stunning cinematography, dramatic story arc, and powerful message. Director Klaus Erik Okstad spent four months embedded with the Norwegian army as they labored to prepare Afghan forces for NATO troop withdrawal in 2014. This intense, eye-opening documentary demonstrates the futility of modern "nation-building" warfare. We see how ill prepared the Afghans are to defend their own people after more than a decade of someone else’s doing it for them. In one telling example, the Afghan soldiers refuse to walk from the main headquarters to an outpost just one kilometer — barely more than half a mile! — away, and demand that the Norwegian soldiers build them a road and give them a Jeep. It's the welfare principle in practice, destroying courage, skill, and self-reliance.  

Director: Chris Mortensen Length: 87 minutes

Director: Chris Mortensen

Length: 87 minutes


'Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged is a feature length documentary film that examines the resurging interest in Ayn Rand's epic and controversial 1957 novel and the validity of its dire prediction for America. Available on Amazon Prime

Director: Peter Boothby Length: 27 minutes

Director: Peter Boothby

Length: 27 minutes


Set during World War II, on a secluded farm in Kent, two elderly and eccentric women are unexpectedly called to duty one night when they discover an unconscious German pilot, hanging from his parachute in their tree.

Director: Shayne Edwards Length: 89 minutes

Director: Shayne Edwards

Length: 89 minutes


Interviewing multiple scientists on climate change, not only does this film cover the science and the facts, it explores the culture of the global warming movement and its motivation, and who stands to make millions.

You may watch the entire film here.

Director: Tyler Bastian, Trevor Hill, Tim Skousen Length: 11 minutes

Director: Tyler Bastian, Trevor Hill, Tim Skousen

Length: 11 minutes


A disabled man named Agustin in Honduras has been building a helicopter in his home for the past 53 years causing controversy amongst his family and community. Some wonder if he is crazy. Other see him as inspirational. Some believe he is wasting his time. But for Agustin, the helicopter has become a way to cope with his debilitating polio as he painstakingly crafts the homemade flying machine. But will it fly? You may watch the entire film here.

Director: Janek Ambros Length: 4 minutes

Director: Janek Ambros

Length: 4 minutes


October 2008, as Congress contemplates a 700 billion dollar bailout for the banks, a Wall Street broker must quickly decide where to allocate his money before closing bell.

Director: Jason Rink Length: 03 minutes

Director: Jason Rink

Length: 03 minutes


What do we do when the federal government steps outside of it's Constitutional boundaries? Do we 'vote the bums out' and hope that the new bums limit their own power? Do we ask federal judges in black robes to limit the federal government's power? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison didn't think so, and neither do we. The rightful remedy to federal tyranny rests in the hands of the people and the States that created the federal government in the first place. It's called Nullification, and it's an idea whose time has come. This documentary explores the history of state nullification, and how it is being used today to push back against the encroachment of federal power. Available on many streaming platforms.

Director: Courtney Balaker Length: 12 minutes

Director: Courtney Balaker

Length: 12 minutes


A young couple discuss philosophy on a first date.

Director: Ted Balaker Length: 7 minutes

Director: Ted Balaker

Length: 7 minutes

DON’T MESS WITH “FIREFLY”: How Sci-Fi Fans Made a Campus Safe for Free Speech

An overprotective "nanny state" University department censors a prof who posts a cartoon from Firefly. theFIRE.org takes up the case, and an sf author tweets it to a million followers. The University wasn't expecting the massive outcry. You may watch the entire film here.